Bioenergetic Therapy
Bioenergetics is a body-based, somatic, relational
form of psychotherapy.
This body-oriented psychotherapy, focuses on
both the psychological issues presented and
the manifestation of these issues.
These are shown in the individual’s body, energy and movement.

The verbal work in Bioenergetic Analysis focuses on an examination of an individual’s:​
Body Symptoms & History.
Past. Dreams.
Belief Systems. Associations.
Current behaviours.
It seeks to help the individual gain greater understanding and awareness of old patterns of action & reaction.
It will also enlarge the capacity to tolerate and resolve old pain.
On top of this, it increases the ability to experience pleasure and connection in living.
This results in feeling connected to oneself, to others and to one’s natural environment.
Bioenergetic Therapy includes character analysis.
This is the background ‘structure’ that is used to facilitate and support the body process.
This form of body / mind / soul healing work encourages the re-organization of past dysfunctional and stuck patterns.
These will instead become healthy new ways of living and loving one self and others.
This is achieved through the co-creation of a new healing relationship with the therapist.
"No words are so clear as the language of body expression"
– Alexander Lowen, Bioenergetics Founder
Wilhelm Reich, considered the ‘father’ of somatic or body psychotherapy, wrote his first book in 1933, called ‘Character Analysis’. A colleague of Sigmund Freud (the father of psychoanalysis), he based his psychoanalytic theories on Freud’s work and eventually added the aspect of including the body through understanding its physical character structure. Numerous forms of body psychotherapy emerged from Reich’s original explorations, over the next several decades, one of which was Bioenergetics that was founded by Alexander Lowen in the late 1950's.
Today, Bioenergetics goes beyond the original Freudian basis of sexually driven as the only source of neurosis or with the analyst as an invisible being that has no therapeutic impact or effect on the client. Bioenergetics training now includes a more relational approach to therapy. Based on an Object-Relations model of psychodynamic theory, it includes the relationship with the therapist as forming a healthier model of attachment and seeks to understand and heal the effects of primary family relationships as part of the initial developmental wounding.